Discover the most beautiful castles in Spain this 2021

According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, a castle is considered a very strong place, which is surrounded by walls, moats, among other fortifications. Spain has many castles, from fortresses on the highest rocks, to palaces at the level of towns and cities. They are distributed from north to south and from east to west; but, above all, in Castilla-La Mancha, Castilla y León, Andalusia (Jaén) and Aragon, perfect for private tourism.

Experts say that there are approximately twenty thousand in all Spain, but only more or less half were inventoried. Furthermore, not all of them have been preserved over time; however, there are enough left so that the vestiges of that medieval era can be known. Next, we will show some of them that have been important, not only for their history but for their beauty and architecture.

The most beautiful castles in Castilla-La Mancha and Castilla-León:

The castle of Almansa: located in the community of Castilla-La Mancha in the province of Albacete. He was a witness in the vicinity of the battle that was fought in 1707, between the troops of Duke Carlos of Austria and Felipe de Anjou, for the succession of the Spanish kingdom; the latter triumphing over the Bourbon dynasty. It is a building that initially had an Arab origin and is located on the hill called Äguila.

It was conquered by Jaime I of Aragon, a Christian king who later had to hand it over to the Order of the Templars. Then, and with the passage of time, it became part of the kingdom of Castile. It stands out for the 14th century architecture and the semicircular towers at the tips of the castle; with a slightly inaccessible entrance, few windows and its defensive battlements.

The famous palace-fortress of the Alcázar de Segovia: located in the community of Castilla y León, it is considered the highest in the country. Its first constructions date from the 12th century, but from the 15th century onwards, certain decorations were added by the royal dynasty, such as the roof of the Galley Room by Catherine of Lancaster and that of the Piñas y del Solio by Enrique IV. .

This fortress is located on a rock that was carved by hand and is located between the Clamores and Eresma rivers. It has a mixture of Mudejar, Herrerian and Gothic architecture. During the Middle Ages it was occupied by the Kings of Castile and in 1474 Isabel was proclaimed Queen of Castile, ceasing to occupy this palace-fortress. It is a beautiful castle that you cannot miss.

The most beautiful castles in Andalusia:

The castle of Jaén: a place that has the largest number of fortresses, approximately two hundred and thirty-seven. It is said that the reason for having so many castles in Jaén is due to the fact that, in the process of reconquest between Muslims and Christians, it was stalled for a long time; then, both were dedicated to strengthen more and more their borders.

This castle, of medieval architecture and defensive fortress, built between the 10th and 14th centuries, is also called the Castillo de Santa Catalina. It is made up of 3 fortresses, which occupy almost the entire top of the hill with the same name. It is made up of the old Alcázar, the new one (which is the Castillo de Santa Catalina) and the most recent, the Abrehuí.

Burgalimar Castle: This castle dates from the 10th century, and is one of the best-preserved Arab constructions from the Caliphate of Córdoba. It is a very robust wall without interruption, consisting of 14 towers, which surround the entire castle; although number 15 was added in Christian times, that of the Tribute.

This fortress is shaped like a semi horseshoe arch and its construction was completed around 968 AD. It is also known as the Fortress of the Seven Kings, as Alfonso VI, VIII, IX, as well as Pedro II, Fernando III, Sancho VII and Fernando el Catolico were present there.

The castle of Almodóvar del Río or Castillo de la Floresta: fortress located on Mount El Redondo, in the province of Córdoba. Its history comes from the time of the Romans, but the construction is from the time of the Muslims. It is of the defensive type, with vertical rectangular projections that end in the shape of a pyramid and are found in the walls that surround the entire castle.

It has two important towers, one in front of the other, such as the Homage, a little bigger, and the School. In the walls you can see that there are openings in the shape of horseshoe arches, typical of Islamic constructions. The castle has also been famous for the Game of Thrones series, where some scenes were filmed.

The most beautiful castles in Aragon:

The Aljafería Palace in Zaragoza: it is a fortified palace, built in the 11th century, with an Islamic style of Moorish architecture, where elements from Spain, Portugal and North Africa are combined. Hiss elements include domes and different types of arches such as horseshoe, lancet, crenellations, ogee and tile decorations.

Its construction is due to the decision of Al-Muqtadir, to serve as the residence of the Muslim kings; palace that internally reflects all its splendor. In addition to serving as the residence of these kings, it was also the residence of the Catholic Monarchs and served as a prison for the time of the Inquisition.

Inside the palace there is a great ornamental beauty, such as the patio of Santa Isabel, rectangular in shape and uncovered, with some pools or water wells and a covered portico that precedes the other rooms. Also on the north side are the hall of the Throne or of the Marbles and bedrooms of the kings.

It also has a quadrangular tower for defense of the time, which contains 5 floors. This tower is called the troubadour’s tower and it was made at the end of the 9th century.

Alex Jorba
Posted in Europe, Spain.