The wettest places in the world

With so much desire to enjoy the company of others, enjoy the outdoors and travel to beautiful places, we need to know what the weather is like in our chosen destination. Because the reality is that in winter days and in some places of the planet it is rare to feel the sun’s presence with intensity. So, take note of the wettest places in the world, and if you still want to visit them, get an umbrella, raincoat and boots.

Humidity is synonymous with rain, and we know that water sustains every form of life that exists on earth. The wetlands that some places in the world produce are sources of health, nutrition and abundance; since they propitiate and protect the great biodiversity that exists on the planet. And since generally wet places have a breathtaking and overwhelming beauty, read on, visualize and get to know these specific areas that exist on earth.

Mawsynram – India

In the Indian state of Meghalaya are the Khasi Mountains and at their foot is located a picturesque village called Mawsynram. This is precisely the wettest place in the world, with an annual rainfall of 12,000 liters per square meter; something extremely impressive. The humidity capacity of this area located in India is so amazing that in 1985 it obtained an absolute record with 83% humidity. 

All this thanks to the fact that the majestic Himalayan range blocks the clouds going northward; making it rain more in Mawsynram. Such abundance of moisture allows the natural beauty of this place to be abundant; waterfalls and crystalline rivers characterize the abode of the clouds, named after its millenary inhabitants. And you, do you dare to visit it?

Cherrapunji – India

Just 5 kilometers from Mawsynram is Cherrapunji, with its abundant and resistant vegetation. A land watered by the heavy clouds that the monsoons attract from the beautiful Bay of Bengal. This moisture gives life to many sturdy, healthy and long-lived trees whose multiple and long roots serve as a bridge for locals and visitors. The amazing thing is that up to 50 people can walk through these trees at a time; can you imagine how epic they look?

Los puentes de raíces vivas de la India se mantienen firmes durante siglos  | National Geographic

Tutunendo – Colombia

Tutunendo is located in the heart of Colombia, exactly in the municipality of Quibdó. This small town is inhabited by less than 1000 inhabitants and there can fall monthly up to 1000 liters of water. It is not for nothing that it is included among the wettest places on earth. In addition, the adaptable inhabitants of Tutunendo have adapted to such humidity by protecting their houses with long sheets; this way they avoid being flooded. 

Cropp River – New Zealand

Now we travel to Oceania, specifically we stop in New Zealand; a country with a generally dry climate. However, specifically towards the eastern part of the country where the Cropp River flows, torrential rains abound and are very frequent. This exuberant stream is a tributary of the beautiful Hokitika River, admired for its beautiful turquoise waters. Are you already encouraged to know more about this beautiful place?

San Antonio de Ureca – Equatorial Guinea

We know that many places in Africa suffer from drought; however, in the northern part of the African continent is the wettest place in the region. San Antonio de Ureca, located in the Gulf of Guinea about 30 kilometers from the coast. This most humid place in the world receives approximately 10,450 cubic millimeters of water per year. A true oasis of life, beauty and vitality that exhibits the majestic strength of this beautiful continent. 

Debundscha – Cameroon

We continue touring Africa and getting to know some of the wettest places on the planet. This time it is the turn of a small village in Cameroon called Debundscha, located at the foot of Mount Fako, which also proudly exhibits one of the highest volcanoes in the world. Debundscha has an extremely humid climate, as it receives about 10,300 cubic millimeters of water per year; this creates swamps and good wetlands that generate life.

Big Bog – Hawaii

A place known as humid in the world is the archipelago of Hawaii, which boasts among its treasures several waterfalls, islands, parks and wonderful, fresh and paradisiacal coastal places. Such is Big Bog,  a swamp located on the island of Maui, where torrential rains abound and the sun’s intensity is rarely felt. Hawaii also has tropical rainforests where humidity abounds and beaches worth admiring and enjoying. Do you dare to pack your bags?

The top 10 wettest places on Earth

Mount Waialeale – Hawaii

At the summit of one of the highest volcanoes in Hawaii is located one of the rainiest places in the world. Mount Waialeale has an average annual rainfall of 9,500 cubic millimeters. This is not all, in 1982 the rainfall was so abundant that it exceeded 17,300 cubic millimeters of water. The impetus of nature becomes beauty, life and strength in these great Hawaiian wetlands.

Pu’u Kukui – Hawaii

And come on, Hawaii is a rainy place and the island of Maui is not far behind; it has a natural reserve called the Pu’u Kukui Basin. The highest peak of the Mauna Kahalawai mountain range is located here. This area possesses immense biodiversity and can receive some 9,800 cubic millimeters of rainfall per year. As the soil is saturated by the excess of this annual humidity, the swamp life remains lush and abundant.

Yakushima – Japan

This beautiful and small Japanese island is declared as a World Heritage Site and that exhibits the famous ancient tree Jomon Sugi is also called the island of the eternal flood. And although its inhabitants exaggerate saying that it rains 35 days a month in Yakushima, its fame is not false. In this very humid part of the world, especially during spring and summer, it is common for it to rain half the days of the month. Its beauty, however, would inspire a children’s story.

Posted in Worldwide.