Pompeii Visit – the Plaster Death Casts

Pompeii: the Unesco World Heritage Site

Declared by Unesco since 1997, Pompeii is one of the most important archaeological sites of the World, the second most visited place of Italy after the Colosseum of Rome! Learn about the importance of Pompeii and plan your Pompeii visit. The disaster caused by the eruption of the Volcano Vesuvius in the year 79 a.d. left a real treasure!

Pompeii disappeared under meters and meters of ash and stones, it was left literally frozen in time!. It came to the light again in the year 1748 and by then, the excavations still keep going, is huge area, full of art and places to visit like the streets, squares, bars and taverns, public baths, theater, mosaics, beautiful villas, frescoes, the “Lupanare House” with graffiti and frescoes of explicit erotic scenes and much more.

The Plaster Death Casts

Moreover, something unique that can be seen only in Pompeii are the Plaster Death Casts, bodies of real people made for the first time by Giuseppe Fiorelli, an Italian Archaeologist in the year 1870.

When the Mount Vesuvius blew up, many people were entirely buried by hot ashes raining from the sky. The cavities generated by the decomposed bodies under the ash, were filled with liquid plaster in order to produce casts of the victims. Once the plaster had hardened, the surrounding soil was removed and the cast was brought to light.

During your Pompeii visit, learn that in Pompeii this technique was used to produce a number of molds of human bodies, animals and objects. It is something tragic we know, but the casts are among the most important traces left by ancient communities.

What else to see during your Pompeii visit

Take advantage of your day in Naples to enjoy this Pompeii visit. In this archaeological site you will also admire a unique architecture such us:

  • Antiquarium: Here you will find helpful interpretive displays and many artifacts found during the excavations.
  • Forum: This is what defines the a Roman Town, the main square. In this occasion the forum is known under the name of “Temple of Jupiter”.
  • Theaters: Pompeii has many theaters, but the most emblematic and important is the Large Theater, currently used for summer shows.
  • Therme Stabiane: Are the largest and best-preserved baths in Pompeii. The Gladiators used to trained in the Gymnasium which was part of the Stabiane.
  • House of Menander: This house belongs to a wealthy family of ancient Pompeii

Our private tour guides in Pompeii – plan a perfect Pompeii visit

One of our private Guides in the area of Naples is Paolo. He is an official Tour Guide and it is 15 years now, that he passionately works in Tourism. Before he became a Guide he is graduated in English Literature and Languages and years later he also took a degree in Art and History at the University of Naples.

He decided to become a Guide because he loves his Country! His main goal has always been to show the beauty and the uniqueness of the area where he lives trying always to satisfy his clients and make them happy

One of the places that Paolo has in his heart is of course Pompeii, the place where he was born and raised.

Plan your private tour for your Pompeii visit – How to visit Pompeii

With a private guide:

From Naples to Pompeii, you can take a direct train from Naples Piazza Garibaldi to Pompeii Scavi, these suburban train lines called Circumvesuviana will take you in just over 40 minutes to Puerta Marina, the main access to the Pompeii site. Another option to getting there is by bus by the SITA bus company from Naples Piazza Garibaldi or just renting a car. Once in Porta Marina Superiore you will meet your private official tour guide for a 2.5 hours guided visit. At the end of the tour, you will return by your own to Naples. Check out our private walking tour here! It’s a great way to enjoy your Pompeii visit.

With private transportation and a separate tour guide in Pompeii:

This option includes a private luxury vehicle with chauffeur that will pick you up in your hotel, cruise port or place of choice in Naples and take you towards Pompeii. Once in Porta Marina Superiore, you will meet your private official tour guide for a 2.5 hours guided visit. When the tour is over, your private driver will take you back to the starting point in Naples. Check out our tour here

On your own:

You will take a public transportation (bus or train) or rent a car to move from Naples City to Pompeii Archaeological Site. Once there, you can buy your tickets in the moment or if you prefer you can buy them in advance in the official web page of Pompeii (in high season is better to purchase the tickets in advance). You can purchase your Pompeii tickets here!

Contact us on the form bellow for additional information:

Maya Nader
Posted in Naples & Pompeii.