Let’s travel to Fatima

Guide to what to see in Fatima

Fatima is the Sanctuary of Fatima and also known as the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fatima.

Learn about what to see in Fatima with this brief guide.

Firstly, Fatima is located in Cova de Iria, in Fatima which is in Ourem, Portugal.

Cova de Iria is in the central region of Portugal. Fatima can easily be reached from Coimbra, Lisbon and even Porto.

For instance you can reach Fatima by bus, train or by private vehicle. Check our our private tour to Fatima from Lisbon or from Porto.

Above all, Fatima is worldwide known for the Sanctuary. It is known for its peregrination location from the beginning of 20th century.

Story of Fatima

It has been told that in 1917, 3 children; Lucia and the brothers Francisco and Jacinta, saw many appearances of the Virgen María in the Cova da Iria. They say that this was next to the azinheira grande. As a result, the Virgen asked them to rise a chapel right there, on the Cova da Iria itself.

Sanctuary Today

The sanctuary today has two large basiliques and many spaces because each year many peregrine decide to visit Fatima.

Moreover, Fatima is full of religious tourism every year to visit this unique sanctuary and area in Portugal.

What to see in Fatima:

  • The Chapel of Aparitions known as Capela das Apariçoes
  • Basilique of Nossa Senhora do Rosario
  • Basilica of the Holy Trinity
  • The columnatas: this unifies the Basilica of Nossa Senhora do Rosario with the nearby buildings.
  • The High Cross of Fatima
  • Valinhos Sanctuary

How to reach Fatima

  1. The easiest way is by car. This is why we recommend the private tour to visit Fatima for instance.
  2. If you have your own car, you can reach Fatima by the A1 highway.
  3. There is also the public bus from Lisbon for example
  4. By Train

In conclusion, contact us for more information on how to visit Fatima and what to do once there.

Posted in Lisbon, Porto, Portugal.