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The best scuba diving destinations in the world

Our planet is more than 70% water. Much of it is suitable for scuba diving or snorkeling, in any of the different continents. Get to know beautiful marine treasures of incalculable beauty, variety of fauna, flora, coral reefs, among others.


The world’s most expensive avenues to visit

Globally, the most expensive and vital avenues that contain the most exclusive stores have been able to maintain themselves by flexing their strategies since commerce has always been carried out through consumption. Exquisite and elitist decorations that are worth visiting.


The 10 most important glaciers in the world

Glaciers are beautiful natural ice formations located in different parts of the planet, accounting for 75% of the freshwater on the globe. It is said that there are about 200,000, excluding those in the Andes Mountains and at the poles.


The oldest temples in the world

In ancient times temples were considered the home of the gods. Many of these places disappeared over time, but fortunately others are still standing or some vestiges remain. We show you the oldest ones.


World’s Best Coffees 2022

Coffee is the second most consumed beverage on the planet, after water. The stories tell that its origin was in Ethiopia, Africa. Then it began its expansion throughout the rest of the world, reaching the Asian, European and American continents.


The world’s largest markets

Many people want to know which are the most popular trading centers. If this is your case, you will be pleased to learn about the world's largest markets and their interesting stories.
