Barcelona’s version of Halloween

Spain is different for so many reasons, and Barcelona’s Halloween is one more added to the list!

In Barcelona, Halloween is known as the Chestnut (La Castanyada!). It is a very traditional festival that takes place on October 31st, the night before All Saints Day (November 1st). Originally Castanyada was a tribute to dead people, and families would go to the cemetery to visit the dead on that day (November 1st).

Nowdays, Castanyada is a joyful day! During this day you can find all over the city, chestnuts, sweet potatoes and panellets (these are small almond balls with different flavors like coconut, chocolate, and muhc more). You will also be able to taste and drink Moscatell, sweet wine that can be tried during the Castanyada.

You can see that all around the city there is a great mixture between Halloween and Castanyada. Most places have Halloween decorations set up and most parties have a Halloween theme.

The best part is that in Barcelona you can enjoy both traditions in a great joyful way. The city is “dressed” in Halloween and smells like chestnuts all around town!



Posted in Barcelona and tagged Barcelona, castañada, castanyada, Catalunya, Halloween.