10 Fascinating Places to Visit in Spain that You Don’t Know Yet

Spain is a country full of natural, historical and cultural wonders that go beyond the most popular tourist destinations. In this post, Tour Travel & More presents 10 fascinating places in Spain that you don’t know yet, divided into four categories: natural gems, historical charms, picturesque villages and secret corners. Check out our private tours here!

Hoces del Río Duratón Natural Park (Segovia)

This stunning park is a paradise for nature lovers and outdoor sports enthusiasts. With its spectacular canyons and cliffs, the Hoces del Río Duratón offer hiking trails, kayaking and the opportunity to observe griffon vultures in their natural habitat.

Gulpiyuri Beach (Asturias)

A unique inland beach in the world, Gulpiyuri is a little gem hidden among green meadows. With no direct access to the sea, this beach of crystalline waters is formed by the filtration of water through a cave, creating a dreamlike landscape.

Piedra Monastery (Zaragoza)

This 13th century Cistercian monastery is surrounded by a natural park with waterfalls, grottoes and lush gardens. The Monastery of Piedra is a perfect destination for a quiet and relaxing getaway.

Medinaceli (Soria)

Medinaceli is a small town that conserves vestiges of its Roman, Medieval and Renaissance past. Its Roman arch, main square and cobbled streets will take you back to another era.

Enchanted City (Cuenca)

The Enchanted City is a natural site with rock formations sculpted by erosion over thousands of years. This magical place has been the setting for numerous legends and films.

Albarracín (Teruel)

Considered one of the most beautiful villages in Spain, Albarracín stands out for its reddish-coloured houses, its labyrinthine alleyways and its imposing wall. A destination that looks like something out of a fairy tale.

Frigiliana (Malaga)

This charming white village in the Axarquia region is known for its cobbled streets, flower-decorated houses and stunning views of the Mediterranean Sea.

Setenil de las Bodegas (Cadiz)

This curious village is partly built under huge rocks that form part of the houses and streets. Setenil de las Bodegas is a unique place that will leave you speechless.

Las Médulas (León)

Las Médulas are ancient Roman gold mines, today a World Heritage Site, which offer a spectacular landscape of reddish earth and surprising formations. An ideal destination for history and geology buffs.

Jerte Valley (Cáceres)

Famous for its spectacular cherry blossom in spring, the Jerte Valley is a perfect destination for natural landscapes, hiking trails and delicious local produce.

Spain is a country full of surprises and incredible places waiting to be discovered. From natural gems to historic charms, picturesque villages and secret corners, these 10 destinations offer unique and memorable experiences. At Tour Travel & More, we invite you to explore these fascinating places and discover a different and captivating Spain.

Posted in Europe, Spain.