Things that are forbidden on the beach (that you may not know)

The beach is a place for relaxation and fun, but it is also an environment that must be respected to ensure safety and the preservation of the environment. Although many rules are common sense, there are certain prohibitions that might surprise you. Here are seven of them, so that you can enjoy your day at the beach without mishaps. Check out our private tours here! 

You are not allowed to take sand or shells as souvenirs.

You may have thought about taking some sand or shells as a souvenir of a perfect day at the beach. However, on many beaches around the world, this is strictly forbidden. The reason behind this regulation is the conservation of the coastal ecosystem. Sand and shells are part of a delicate balance that is vital to the health of the marine environment. By taking even a small amount, you are contributing to beach erosion and affecting the habitat of numerous species. In some countries, such as Italy or Hawaii, this practice can even lead to heavy fines.

Using soaps or detergents at sea

After a long day in the sun, it can be tempting to wash with soap in the sea to remove sweat or sand. However, this practice is forbidden on most beaches, and for good reason. Soaps and detergents, even those labelled as biodegradable, may contain chemicals that are harmful to marine life. These substances can alter the pH of the water and affect the surrounding flora and fauna. In addition, some soaps can form a film on the surface of the water, which interferes with the gas exchange necessary for aquatic life. It is better to opt for freshwater showers in the facilities provided.

Feeding birds or other wildlife is prohibited.

Feeding birds, fish or other wildlife may seem like an innocent and even entertaining activity, but it is a practice that is prohibited on many beaches. Wild animals have specific diets and their feeding should be kept natural to avoid imbalances in the ecosystem. Feeding them with human food scraps can cause serious health problems, alter their natural behaviours, and even make them dependent on humans for their survival. In addition, the accumulation of food scraps can attract invasive species that endanger native wildlife.

No loud music

The beach environment is meant to be a place of relaxation, both for people and for the animals that inhabit the environment. However, in the age of portable loudspeakers, the use of loud music has become common, even though it is prohibited on many beaches. The main reason is respect for other visitors and the preservation of the tranquillity of the environment. Excessive noise can negatively affect local wildlife, especially birds nesting near the shore. It can also be a nuisance to other bathers who are looking for a day of relaxation without noise interruptions. It is important to enjoy music responsibly, using headphones or keeping the volume low.

Beaches are wonderful places that offer us the opportunity to connect with nature, but they also require our respect and care. By being aware of the rules and regulations, we are not only protecting these environments, but also ensuring that future generations will be able to enjoy them. From not taking sand or shells, to avoiding the use of soaps and detergents in the sea, each of these prohibitions has a fundamental purpose: to preserve the natural balance and ensure an enjoyable experience for all. So next time you go to the beach, remember these rules and enjoy the sea responsibly.

Posted in Worldwide.