The north is also for summer

When you think of summer, your mind often wanders to the sunny coasts of the south, endless beaches and endless days in the blazing sun. However, northern Spain offers a different kind of summer experience, where nature, culture and gastronomy combine to create an unforgettable holiday. At Tour Travel & More, we invite you to discover why the north is also for summer – check out our private tours here!

Dazzling beaches

Northern Spain boasts some of the most spectacular and least crowded beaches in the country. From Galicia to the Basque Country, the northern coasts offer golden sands, crystal-clear waters and breathtaking natural scenery.

In Galicia, Playa de las Catedrales is a unique natural spectacle, where the stone arches sculpted by the wind and the sea form a natural cathedral that can be explored at low tide. In Asturias, the Playa del Silencio beach lives up to its name, offering a corner of peace and unrivalled beauty, surrounded by cliffs and lush vegetation. Meanwhile, in the Basque Country, La Concha Beach in San Sebastian combines natural beauty with urban charm, making it the perfect place to enjoy the sea without giving up the comfort of the city.

Green Landscapes and Hiking

Northern Spain is known for its green and mountainous landscape, a paradise for hikers and nature lovers. The mountains of the Picos de Europa offer routes for all levels, from gentle walks through meadows and forests to challenging ascents that reward you with breathtaking panoramic views.

In Cantabria, the Collados del Asón Nature Reserve is a hidden treasure offering hiking routes through deep valleys, waterfalls and spectacular rock formations. In addition, the Camino de Santiago, one of the oldest and most famous pilgrimage routes in the world, runs through northern Spain, offering not only a spiritual experience, but also the opportunity to discover picturesque villages and dreamlike landscapes.

Authentic Culture and Traditions

Northern Spain is a region rich in culture and traditions, where every village and town has its own identity and charm. Traditional festivals, such as Bilbao’s Semana Grande or Pamplona’s Fiesta de San Fermín, are examples of how local culture is lived with intensity and passion.

Visiting northern Spain in summer is also an opportunity to immerse yourself in its historical and architectural heritage. From the Gothic cathedrals of León and Burgos to the old quarters of cities such as Oviedo and Santiago de Compostela, the north is a veritable open-air museum. Not to be forgotten is the gastronomy, with iconic dishes such as Galician octopus, Asturian fabada or Basque pintxos, which are a real treat for the palate.

A Perfect Climate to Escape the Heat

Unlike the high temperatures that dominate southern Spain in summer, the north offers a much milder and more pleasant climate. Temperatures in this region rarely exceed 30 degrees Celsius, allowing you to enjoy outdoor activities without suffering from the extreme heat.

This cooler climate also makes the north an ideal destination for those looking to escape the tourist crowds. Cities such as Santander, A Coruña and San Sebastián offer a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere, where you can enjoy the summer in peace and quiet.

In short, northern Spain is a perfect summer destination, offering a refreshing and enriching alternative to the traditional sun and sand holidays of the south. With its combination of spectacular scenery, stunning beaches, rich culture and exceptional gastronomy, the north has everything you need for an unforgettable holiday. At Tour Travel & More, we’re ready to help you discover it – the north is for summer too!

Posted in Europe.