Countries reopen post covid-19: end of Europe travel ban

Everyone is waiting patiently for countries to reopen and for Europe travel ban to be over. This travel break has given us a chance to dream about our next travel. We are happy to say that the first countries are starting to reopen post Covid-19!

Europe is starting to activate tourism.

Index for the countries reopening post covid-19

go to France

go to Italy

go to Greece

go to Germany

go to Austria

go to Belgium

go to Iceland

go to Cyprus

go to Spain

go to Poland

go to Slovenia

go to United Kingdom

go to Ireland

go to Portugal

go to Croatia

go to Albania


We can say that France’s number of infections have decreased and the country is starting to ease its restrictions. Since May 11th, “smaller cultural and tourist attractions” have began to open. France is still not open to all tourists outside the Schengen area.

France is opening first to its neighboring countries.


Italy is one of the most affected countries due to the Covid-19. This been said, they have taken the corresponding measures and they are starting a phase to reopen as much as possible. Many businesses have started to open once again and restaurants are slowly starting to open.

Italy has announced that their airports will open to tourism on June 3, 2020. This opening will give access to enter Italy for international tourists.


Greece has also announced that they are opening their borders for international tourists on July 1, 2020.

Greece has been able to arrange a good control given the situation.

Greece will start to open for tourists and hotel starting June 15 and will open for international tourists on July 1. This is the information provided by the Greek Prime Minister.


Germany is planing to start the reopening on June 15 and will start the reopening with Switzerland, France and Austria.


Austria on june 15 will start to open with its neighbor countries; Germany, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary.

In Austria, restaurants and bars are already opening and hotel are opening on May 29th.

If you arrive to Austria with a health certificate stating you don’t have coronavirus, you don’t need to quarantine.


Belgium is opening borders with international tourists of its neighbouring countries on June 15. For other countries will reopen soon.

The restaurants and bars are open. The museums have also opened. Stores and commercial businesses have also opened.


Iceland is opening for international on June 15 the latest.

To enter you will need the health certificate.


Cyprus is another country that is opening their gates to international travelers.

Cyprus has contained the coronavirus quite well and is waiting expectantly for tourists to return and things to get back to normal. On June 9th, as the deputy prime minister of tourism has said: airports will open and business will be as usual.


Spain is also slowly reopening to international tourists and welcoming them to their beautiful country. Starting July 1, it will be open to all tourists. The Islands are expected to open their borders even sooner! Lets prepare our summer holidays!


Poland is still pending final confirmation, but it is said that by June 15, the quarantine will not be obligatory for foreign tourists when visiting their country.


Slovenia was the first country to open borders to all European members on May 15 !

United Kingdom

The United Kingdom will start to accept tourists and also locals starting June 8. There is one special note; they are obliging a 14 day quarantine in a hotel or house.


This is similar to the United Kingdom, there will be a 14 day quarantine from June 18th.


If you are from the UK, Ireland or Switzerland or from a long distance country you can enter without a quarantine!


Croatia has opened to 10 countries to be able to visit. If you are from Slovenia, Hungry, Austria, Czech Republic, Eslovaquia, Estonia, Letonia, Lituania, Poland and Germany you can enter. Slowly this list will grow!


The road borders are open without a restriction.

We will update this information when necessary regarding the Europe travel ban.

Maya Nader
Posted in Europe.