Budapest, where October is a festival

Although October is not high season in Budapest, there are a lot of things to do in the capital of Hungary provided that you stay longer than one day. If you visit the city at the beginning of the month you can still enjoy light sunny days, on which to enjoy a wide range of activities.

Festivals in Budapest are great options for the weekend. October is when the new beers are introduced. Craft beers include several famous beer varieties made in Hungary, like the old Irish Red, the first Hungarian ’Belgian’ Beer, christened Friar Tuck, Buckwheat Lager, Bitter Honey beer, Black Sheep (a high-gravity pitch-black stout). A must for real lovers.

But beer is not the only product to hold a festival around, Budapest celebrates festivals about other products and cultural tendencies such as the Design Week, Budapest Art Market, Opera Contest & Fest, Hacktivity, Bonus Techno Festival, International Model Train Engineering Festival and more!

In October there are a lot of parties in open air party venues in the city, but often parties move inside if the weather gets colder. Two special parties stand out from the usual Budapest nightlife events, which young visitors must do: the pool parties in Budapest baths, and the river boat parties on the Danube. And at the end of the month, Halloween marks the parties in the last weekend of the month.   Pining for a unique Halloween Festival? Head to Szechenyi Baths for a Halloween themed pool party and wear some spooky swimwear: Szechenyi Bath Parties.

But festivals and parties are not the only attraction of a city which has a wide range of places to visit. For example, the Hungarian Parliament Building, which was designed and built in the Gothic Revival style, is one of the largest buildings in Hungary, and is home to hundreds of parliamentary offices. Although the impressive building looks fantastic from every angle, to see the whole building in its full glory, it is worth viewing it from the other side of the Danube.

The Danube river is another must of Budapest, so the visitor can not leave this city without walking along the Danube Promenade. This stretch of the Danube walkway goes from the Elizabeth Bridge to the Chain Bridge, and is perfect for those who want a short, but interesting walk. Promenading along the Danube is a great way to see many of the most famous sights in the capital. The Danube is also perfect for a river cruise, there’s a fun dinner cruise and folk show (with gypsy music)

Tours of certain areas of the building are available daily, and run in different languages. You will need identification to get in, and your bag may be searched on entry. But from, we offer you the possibility of enjoying these and other places in the confort of our luxurious cars and guided by the expertise of our guides who can offer tours in different languages.

Alex Jorba
Posted in Budapest.